martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Who wants to learn English?

arriba = up
abajo = down

subete = go up
bajate = get down

Ojala que si! = I hope so!
me molesta = it bothers me
no me molesta = it doesn't bother me
me hace feliz = it makes me happy
me hace triste = it makes me sad
me hace enojar = it makes me mad

hace frio= it is cold
hace calor = it is hot

no me importa = it doesn't matter to me
creo que si= I think so
no creo = I don't think so
Claro! = of course!
esta bien = it's alright
no esta bien = it's not alright

corriendo = running
caminando = walking
saltando = jumping
Estoy caminando = I am walking

Esta facil = it is easy
Esta dificil = it is difficult

esta muy duro----it is very hard
Que suave! = How nice!
Suave tambien significa "soft" cuando quieres explicar la textura de algo. This bread is very soft. (Esta suave este pan)

Avientame un beso = Throw me a kiss

bendicion = blessing
paz = peace
esperanza = hope

Es verdad = It's true
Es una mentira = It's a lie

correr= to run
caminar = to walk
yo estoy corriendo = I am running
caminas despacio = you walk slow
tenemos que correr para llegar a tiempo = we have to run in order to arrive on time

Tienes que ir al mercado hoy? = Do you need to go to the market today?

Quieres ir al cine? = Do you want to go to the movies?
Tienes que ir al mercado hoy? = Do you need to go to the market today?

Quieres ir al cine? = Do you want to go to the movies?

Greetings to everyone! :)
Hoy es el jueves. = Today is Thursday
Esta nevando. = It is snowing

Quien quiere aprender ingles? = Who wants to learn English?
Como le puedo ayudar? = How can I help you?
Como le puedo servir? = How can I serve you?

Gracias a Dios por todas sus bendiciones = Thanks to God for all of His blessings
Este es increible! No lo creo! = This is incredible! I don't believe it!
Vamos a trabajar. = We are going to work.
En el invierno esta frio. = In the winter it is cold.
Como puedo saber? = How can I know?
Como puede saber? = How can he/she know?
Como puedes saber? = How can you know?
Como pueden saber? = How can they know?
Como podemos saber? = How can we know?

En inglés tú y usted y vos son iguales, no hay dos formas en ingles, siempre dices "you" para decir tu o usted o vos y tambien para decir ustedes.

aqui esta = here it is.
alli esta = it's over there

Vamonos! = Let's go!
Este es maravilloso = This is marvelous!
Ven aca. = Come over here.
chiquito/a = little

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Con algo de retraso subimos este vídeo que vimos en Halloween.