Este trimestre nos han quedado claras las preposiciones, a mayores y pequeños... id mirando las horas con los papis que ya mismo estamos trabajándolas. Felices vacaciones chicos. Un beso enorme.
Hace más de 9 años que desde el C.R.A. Quercus los alumnos de las Actividades Extraescolares de inglés están elaborando este blog para mostrar parte del trabajo que hacemos en clase. Esperamos que os guste.
lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013
miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013
martes, 19 de marzo de 2013
jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013
Hey, what's the big idea?
Yo Mika.
I said,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
I said,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
I went walking in with my mama one day,
when she warn me what people say,
live your life until love is found,
'cause love's gonna get you down.
Take a look at the girl next door,
she's a player and a down right whore,
Jesus slows up, she wants more,
oh bad girls get you down.
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
Mama told me what I should know,
too much candy gonna ride your soul,
if she loves you, let her go,
'cause love only gets you down.
Take a look at the boy like me,
never stood on my own two feet,
now I'm blue, as I can be,
oh love couldn't get me down.
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
I went walking with my mama one day,
when she warn me what people say,
live your life until love is found,
or love's gonna get you down.
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Say love (say love), say love (say love),
or love's gonna get you down.
say love (say love), say love (say love),
or love's gonna get you down.
Mama told me what I should know,
too much candy gonna ride your soul,
if she loves you, let her go,
'cause love only gets you down.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, lollipop.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, lollipop.
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down
Yo Mika.
I said,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
I said,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
I went walking in with my mama one day,
when she warn me what people say,
live your life until love is found,
'cause love's gonna get you down.
Take a look at the girl next door,
she's a player and a down right whore,
Jesus slows up, she wants more,
oh bad girls get you down.
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
Mama told me what I should know,
too much candy gonna ride your soul,
if she loves you, let her go,
'cause love only gets you down.
Take a look at the boy like me,
never stood on my own two feet,
now I'm blue, as I can be,
oh love couldn't get me down.
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
say love, say love,
or love's gonna get you down.
I went walking with my mama one day,
when she warn me what people say,
live your life until love is found,
or love's gonna get you down.
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down.
Say love (say love), say love (say love),
or love's gonna get you down.
say love (say love), say love (say love),
or love's gonna get you down.
Mama told me what I should know,
too much candy gonna ride your soul,
if she loves you, let her go,
'cause love only gets you down.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, lollipop.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, lollipop.
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down,
sucking too hard on your lollipop,
or love's gonna get you down
martes, 12 de marzo de 2013
Who wants to learn English?
arriba = up
abajo = down
subete = go up
bajate = get down
Ojala que si! = I hope so!
me molesta = it bothers me
no me molesta = it doesn't bother me
me hace feliz = it makes me happy
me hace triste = it makes me sad
me hace enojar = it makes me mad
hace frio= it is cold
hace calor = it is hot
no me importa = it doesn't matter to me
creo que si= I think so
no creo = I don't think so
Claro! = of course!
esta bien = it's alright
no esta bien = it's not alright
corriendo = running
caminando = walking
saltando = jumping
Estoy caminando = I am walking
Esta facil = it is easy
Esta dificil = it is difficult
esta muy duro----it is very hard
Que suave! = How nice!
Suave tambien significa "soft" cuando quieres explicar la textura de algo. This bread is very soft. (Esta suave este pan)
Avientame un beso = Throw me a kiss
bendicion = blessing
paz = peace
esperanza = hope
Es verdad = It's true
Es una mentira = It's a lie
correr= to run
caminar = to walk
yo estoy corriendo = I am running
caminas despacio = you walk slow
tenemos que correr para llegar a tiempo = we have to run in order to arrive on time
Tienes que ir al mercado hoy? = Do you need to go to the market today?
Quieres ir al cine? = Do you want to go to the movies?Tienes que ir al mercado hoy? = Do you need to go to the market today?
Quieres ir al cine? = Do you want to go to the movies?
Greetings to everyone! :)
Hoy es el jueves. = Today is Thursday
Esta nevando. = It is snowing
Quien quiere aprender ingles? = Who wants to learn English?
Como le puedo ayudar? = How can I help you?
Como le puedo servir? = How can I serve you?
Gracias a Dios por todas sus bendiciones = Thanks to God for all of His blessings
Este es increible! No lo creo! = This is incredible! I don't believe it!
Vamos a trabajar. = We are going to work.
En el invierno esta frio. = In the winter it is cold.
Como puedo saber? = How can I know?
Como puede saber? = How can he/she know?
Como puedes saber? = How can you know?
Como pueden saber? = How can they know?
Como podemos saber? = How can we know?
En inglés tú y usted y vos son iguales, no hay dos formas en ingles, siempre dices "you" para decir tu o usted o vos y tambien para decir ustedes.
aqui esta = here it is.
alli esta = it's over there
Vamonos! = Let's go!
Este es maravilloso = This is marvelous!
abajo = down
subete = go up
bajate = get down
Ojala que si! = I hope so!

no me molesta = it doesn't bother me
me hace feliz = it makes me happy
me hace triste = it makes me sad
me hace enojar = it makes me mad
hace frio= it is cold
hace calor = it is hot
no me importa = it doesn't matter to me
creo que si= I think so
no creo = I don't think so
Claro! = of course!
esta bien = it's alright
no esta bien = it's not alright
corriendo = running
caminando = walking
saltando = jumping
Estoy caminando = I am walking
Esta facil = it is easy
Esta dificil = it is difficult
esta muy duro----it is very hard
Que suave! = How nice!
Suave tambien significa "soft" cuando quieres explicar la textura de algo. This bread is very soft. (Esta suave este pan)
Avientame un beso = Throw me a kiss

paz = peace
esperanza = hope
Es verdad = It's true
Es una mentira = It's a lie
correr= to run
caminar = to walk
yo estoy corriendo = I am running
caminas despacio = you walk slow
tenemos que correr para llegar a tiempo = we have to run in order to arrive on time
Tienes que ir al mercado hoy? = Do you need to go to the market today?
Quieres ir al cine? = Do you want to go to the movies?Tienes que ir al mercado hoy? = Do you need to go to the market today?
Quieres ir al cine? = Do you want to go to the movies?
Greetings to everyone! :)

Esta nevando. = It is snowing
Quien quiere aprender ingles? = Who wants to learn English?
Como le puedo ayudar? = How can I help you?
Como le puedo servir? = How can I serve you?
Gracias a Dios por todas sus bendiciones = Thanks to God for all of His blessings
Este es increible! No lo creo! = This is incredible! I don't believe it!
Vamos a trabajar. = We are going to work.
En el invierno esta frio. = In the winter it is cold.
Como puedo saber? = How can I know?
Como puede saber? = How can he/she know?
Como puedes saber? = How can you know?
Como pueden saber? = How can they know?
Como podemos saber? = How can we know?
En inglés tú y usted y vos son iguales, no hay dos formas en ingles, siempre dices "you" para decir tu o usted o vos y tambien para decir ustedes.
aqui esta = here it is.
alli esta = it's over there
Vamonos! = Let's go!
Este es maravilloso = This is marvelous!
Ven aca. = Come over here.
chiquito/a = littlelunes, 11 de marzo de 2013
En Jaraicejo los alumnos de Ed. Infantil estamos repasando los colores y hemos visto que Doraimon es azul:
Doraimon is blue
The Simpsons are yellow
Doraimon is blue
The Simpsons are yellow
The pink panter
Seguiremos subiendo dibujos que estamos haciendo en clase a lo largo de la semana. Buen lunes!
sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013
Pertenecemos al Planeta Educarex
Es un orgullo para alumnos y profesora el reconocimiento de Educarex. Ahora si que tenemos fuerzas para trabajar mucho y mejor. Gracias.
viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013
jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013
Simple Present Tense
Llevamos unos meses trabajando con los alumnos del CRA Quercus y no hemos subido ningún trabajo de
clase. Iremos poco a poco, que se nos juntan muchas tareas imposibles de hacer en 4 horas que nos vemos a la semana. Saludos
clase. Iremos poco a poco, que se nos juntan muchas tareas imposibles de hacer en 4 horas que nos vemos a la semana. Saludos
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El presente continuo se usa para hablar de lo que estamos haciendo en este momento (ahora): leer, hablar,comer , beber,correr, jugar,et...
El presente continuo en inglés (parte 1) El presente continuo es muy sencillo de entender y usar. Se forma igual que en castellano y se u...
House: casa Bathroom: baño Bedroom: dormitorio Dining room: sala de estar Garage: garaje Kitchen: cocina Lining room: salón